Posted by Emanuele Gesuato
Sun, 05 Feb 2006 18:08:00 GMT
Sometimes it is useful to distribute an application in a jar file through Java Web Start or any other way. So, you could have to read some resource (images or properties file) from inside a jar.
How can you do it ? It’s very simple, here’s an example to retrieve an image:
ImageIcon image = (new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("yourpackage/mypackage/image.gif")));
In general, you can retrieve an InputStream in the following way:
InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader()
It will run inside or outside the jar. Enjoy !
Posted in Tips & Tricks | Tags jar, resource | 450 comments | no trackbacks
Posted by Paolo Dona'
Sun, 13 Nov 2005 08:11:00 GMT
Sometimes in production environments I face problems never encountered during development… It’s a general thing.. could happen with jdbc drivers or xml parsers.
I just feel classes are loaded from a different jar than expected.
This of course could happen if you’re deploying to a very different application server or if you’ve no control over the production server classpath.
I found in a code snippet that can help you identify which is the jar containing a specific Class at runtime:
Class cls = MyFoo.class;
ProtectionDomain pDomain = cls.getProtectionDomain();
CodeSource cSource = pDomain.getCodeSource();
URL loc = cSource.getLocation();
// prints something like "c:/jars/MyFoo.jar"
This way you can check if your class is loaded right from the expected jar, not elsewhere :-).
This has shown to be really useful during my sad production debug sessions.
Hope it can help you as well.
Tags class, classloader, jar, java | 56 comments